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For most people, headphones are not a category we think about much when shopping for devices. Headphones aren't very expensive and it doesn't make sense to spend too much time shopping for them. Every pair of headphones can be as good as any other. We tend to agree, arguing that all the features manufacturers of headphones boast about are nothing but marketing differentiation fluff.

As anyone who has used the various headphone models will know, "a headphone setup is not a set" as there are often vast differences in the performance of each one. Some headphone sets can be so different in performance that they can impact productivity, or even affect the listening experience, in the case headphones used for recreational use. BluetoothHeadphones 

Headphones can be viewed as falling within a wide range of quality, from the high-quality to the low-quality.

For one, headphones with superior sound production tend to be better than others. These parameters include clarity, sharpness, sound quality, sound range, and sound balance. Because headphones are bought for sound transmission, the best headphones sets will score the highest in sound quality production parameters.

Comfortable headphones are also a hallmark of good headphones. On the other side of the spectrum we find headphones that pose a health risk as they can cause severe injuries. This is another important aspect that will contribute to the overall score of different headphones sets. This is a key consideration when headphones will be worn for long periods of time. For example, in a DeeJaying call center setting, for instance. Some headphones, despite being great in all other attributes, can be uncomfortable and cause discomfort, thereby putting them in the "poor headphones" category.

We live in an image obsessed age, so good headphones are often also visually appealing. Different people have different aesthetic preferences so different headphone sets will score differently.